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Braz. j. microbiol ; 47(2): 359-366, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780827


Abstract Many plant species from Brazilian semi-arid present arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in their rhizosphere. These microorganisms play a key role in the establishment, growth, survival of plants and protection against drought, pathogenic fungi and nematodes. This study presents a quantitative analysis of the AMF species associated with Mimosa tenuiflora, an important native plant of the Caatinga flora. AMF diversity, spore abundance and root colonization were estimated in seven sampling locations in the Ceará and Paraíba States, during September of 2012. There were significant differences in soil properties, spore abundance, percentage of root colonization, and AMF diversity among sites. Altogether, 18 AMF species were identified, and spores of the genera Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Dentiscutata, Entrophospora, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, Glomus, Racocetra, Rhizoglomus and Scutellospora were observed. AMF species diversity and their spore abundance found in M. tenuiflora rhizosphere shown that this native plant species is an important host plant to AMF communities from Brazilian semi-arid region. We concluded that: (a) during the dry period and in semi-arid conditions, there is a high spore production in M. tenuiflora root zone; and (b) soil properties, as soil pH and available phosphorous, affect AMF species diversity, thus constituting key factors for the similarity/dissimilarity of AMF communities in the M. tenuiflora root zone among sites.

Mycorrhizae/isolation & purification , Mimosa/microbiology , Fungi/isolation & purification , Seasons , Soil Microbiology , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification , Spores, Fungal/classification , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Spores, Fungal/genetics , Brazil , Plant Roots/microbiology , Mycorrhizae/classification , Mycorrhizae/growth & development , Mycorrhizae/genetics , Biodiversity , Fungi/classification , Fungi/growth & development , Fungi/genetics
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 32(3): 249-255, jul.-set. 2010. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460661


Estima-se que as áreas invadidas por algaroba – Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae) no semi-árido nordestino já ultrapassam um milhão de hectares. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar os impactos da invasão de P. juliflora sobre a fitodiversidade e a estrutura do componente arbustivo-arbóreo, em remanescentes de caatinga no Estado da Paraíba. Usando-se o método de parcelas, foram amostrados quatro ambientes, nos quais os indivíduos de todas as espécies arbustivas e arbóreas foram inventariados e medidos, estimando-se os parâmetros estruturais das comunidades. Também foi calculada a diversidade, pelo índice de Shannon-Wiener (H’) e o índice de impacto ambiental de exóticas (IIAE). No total, foram amostradas 19 famílias, 35 gêneros e 39 espécies. A invasora foi responsável por mais de 70% de toda a estrutura dos ambientes inventariados. A baixa diversidade e o elevado valor de impacto ambiental obtidos para os ambientes invadidos revelaram, conjuntamente com os dados de estrutura das populações, os graves impactos que P. juliflora provoca nas comunidades invadidas. Evidencia-se com isso a formação de sistemas monodominados pela espécie invasora, o que revela a necessidade de controle efetivo de P. juliflora para se proteger o patrimônio genético autóctone.

It is estimated that invader populations of algaroba Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae) in the northeastern semi-arid, Brazil, cover more than one million ha. This study aimed to study the impacts of P. juliflora invasion on phytodiversity and on the structure of the shrub-tree component in caatinga fragments in Paraiba state. Four environments were sampled by plots in which all shrubtree individuals were surveyed and measured, estimating structural parameters of the communities. Diversity was estimated by the Shannon-Wiener index (H'), and the index of environmental impacts of exotic species (IIAE) was also calculated. A total of 19 families, 35 genera and 39 species were surveyed. Invader species accounted for more than 70% of the entire structure of the surveyed environments. The low diversity and the high environmental impact indexes obtained, as well as the structure of populations on the invaded communities, reveal that native communities are seriously jeopardized by P. juliflora. Interventions aiming at effective control of P. juliflora are recommended to protect the genetic heritage of native species.

Biodiversity , Environment/analysis , Prosopis/growth & development , Semi-Arid Zone